Posts Tagged 'Hard Boiled Eggs'

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs

There is nothing worse than a bad hard boiled egg. You know the kind. Gray yolks, rubbery whites, and a shell that’s impossible to peel–yuck. But hard boiled eggs really aren’t all that difficult to make. In fact, they are quite simple. There are just a few tips you should follow for getting perfect hard boiled eggs every time. Check them out after the jump! Continue reading ‘Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs’

Egg Week!

Easter is upon us, the holiday season that is full of pastels, eggs, and chocolates. So I think it’s fitting to kick off this week’s posts by focusing on what I love most about Easter–eggs. I remember one of my favorite things to do as a child was coloring Easter eggs. And we were serious about it–we never, EVER, used the boxed kits from the grocery store. Instead we’d pull out a box of wax crayons, stamps and stickers, and get our craft on.

Eggs are such a versatile food. The recipes are endless, and so are the creative possibilities. So without further ado, let’s get crackin!