Posts Tagged 'kitchen shelving'

Spray Paint – My DIY Best Friend

Oh spray paint, how I love thee… If you’ve ever had the joy of spray painting a piece of furniture or a found object, you know how rewarding it can be. It’s one of my favorite things to do to bring beaten-down thrift store finds back to life. Whenever I get tired of something in my apartment I usually run right to the paint department at Home Depot. I can go a little wild with it sometimes (and drive the boyfriend crazy in the process), but hey, paint is the easiest way to change the entire look of something. But you still must exercise caution. I remember when I first discovered Rustoleum metallic spray paint and was about to go crazy with it. Thankfully Alex saved me from spray painting just about every metal surface in the apartment, and for that I am grateful.

If you’ve had a chance to check out our recent house tour on Apartment Therapy, then you know that our kitchen houses a shabby little bookshelf on which I keep a bunch of kitchen odds and ends. After browsing through the pictures on Apartment Therapy for the millionth time, I decided the small bookshelf needed a bit of a facelift. The yellow color was too close to the color of the walls, and looked faded and worn. Additionally, at some angles, I questioned whether it was actually shabby chic, or if it was just plain shabby. So true to form, I decided to run out to the hardware store in search of inspiration.

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