Posts Tagged 'soap bug bites'

Thrifty Tip Tuesday: 5 Household Items with an Added Bonus

This week’s Thrifty Tip Tuesday is all about using common household items in unexpected ways. That’s right—after this, you may never be able to look at your bar of soap the same way again. Today I’ve got 5 thrifty tip minis for your homesteading pleasure. So sit back, read, and enjoy.

Coffee grinds: Believe it or not, freshly ground coffee can help draw foul smelling odors out of the home. Just place a good handful in a bowl and let them sit in a room for a week or so. You’ll be surprised at the work your morning cup o’ joe can do for your home. I find this especially helpful when I’m making my Black Onion Relish, since the scent seems to linger forEVER!

A bar of soap: Don’t forget to bring an extra bar of soap with you when spending time in the great outdoors. A dampened bar of soap makes a great insect anesthetic. Rub it on an itchy mosquito bite and the desire to scratch will subside considerably.

Peanut butter: Forget all the other useless hiccup tricks you’ve heard about. (Even if it worked, I know I wouldn’t be caught dead drinking a glass of water upside-down on my head.) This one is a sure thing. Swallow a spoonful of peanut butter and your hiccups will be gone instantly. I swear this works. You’ll believe me after a wild night of drinking, just try not to polish off the whole jar while you’re at it.

Olive oil: Hate trying to get every last drop of honey or corn syrup out of your measuring cups when baking? Spray a little olive oil, or swirl a few drops in a measuring cup before measuring out your sticky ingredients. It makes them slip out so much easier.

Table salt: Hate to clean that greasy cast iron pan? Put some salt on a damp paper towel. The salt will help draw the grease out of the pan while scouring it slightly and keeping it clean.

Got a thrifty tip of your own? Shoot me an e-mail at for a chance to be featured on the blog!