Posts Tagged 'Union Square Green Market'

Mother’s Day <3

For Mother’s Day this year, my mom is coming into the city for a visit. I’m very excited to spend a couple of days with her and drink wine, eat good food, and just hang out. What could be better than that? I consider my mom to be one of my best friends, which makes me feel incredibly lucky. And she is, after all, the person I learned to cook and craft from. As I’ve mention here before, growing up we were always doing crafty projects, whether it was on the beach, upstate at our family’s cabin, or right in our own backyard. In addition, I was always in the kitchen helping my mom cook. Yup, I was a mamma’s boy (and still am). One of my fondest memories in the kitchen was listening to Patsy Cline while dancing on my mother’s feet in the midst of cooking up weeknight spaghetti and meatballs. To this day, whenever I listen to Patsy, I always think of this.

So in honor of Mother’s Day I thought it would be fun to share one of my newfound crafty cooking pleasures and whip up some jam with my mama. Making jam was never something we did as kids, but I do remember many a summers spent picking fruit, whether it was apples, strawberries, or blueberries.

So here’s the plan–in proper New York style we are going to go to brunch, then go “fruit picking” at the Union Square farmer’s market, then return home to make some yummy jam (I’m thinking strawberry rhubarb).

Not only will this be a great way to spend some quality time with my mom, it also provides me with the perfect Mother’s Day gift. She gets to go home with some homespun preserves along with some sunny spring memories she can revisit months down the road as she spreads it on some toast one chilly winter morning.

How do you like to spend Mother’s Day with mom?